Multivariate Functions

The multivariate capabilities of this package include cross-spectrum and coherence analysis, which contain information about the covariance properties (respectively, correlations) between two time series. As in the univariate case, multiple tapers are used to de-bias the estimates, and this results in individual estimates that can be used to get a jackknifed confidence interval for either quantity of interest. Trivially, one can obtain multitaper estimates for the cross-covariance and cross-correlation functions by inverse Fourier transforming the multitaper cross-spectrum and coherence.

Quick Synopsis of Capabilities


  • Magnitude squared coherence

  • Jackknife estimates of phase

Multivariate spectrum estimation


The multispec command does a lot of the multivariate stuff as well. You will recognize most of the keyword arguments from the univariate version of this call. However, there are a few differences now. You can either use the first, simpler version, of the multivariate call:

function multispec(S1::Union{Vector{T},EigenCoefficient}, S2::Union{Vector{T},EigenCoefficient}; 
                   outp=:coh, NW=4.0, K=6, offset=0, dt=1.0, ctr=true, pad=1.0,
                   dpVec=nothing, guts=false, jk=false, Tsq=nothing, alph=0.05) where{T}

In which

  • S1 is now the first input time series, and S2 is the second, OR, S1 and S2 can be

eigencoefficient structs from a previous computation (for speed if you are calling these functions often)

  • outp is the desired output of the computation which now can be :spec for

cross-spectrum, :coh for coherence and phase, or :transf for transfer function.

  • NW, the choice of time-bandwidth product
  • K, the number of tapers to use
  • offset, the frequency offset, if desired (else 0.0)
  • dt, the temporal sampling frequency (in, say, seconds)
  • ctr, whether or not to remove the mean from the data series, default is true
  • pad, the padded length will be pad times the length of S1.
  • dpVec, you can choose to supply the dpss's or not (speeds things up if you're calling the function many times)
  • guts, whether you'd like the eigencoefficients as output. They will come in an eigencoefficient struct with the field coef, wts where coef contains the eigencoefficients and wts will contain the adaptive weights
  • jk, jackknifing to give a confidence interval for the spectrum
  • Tsq, T-squared test for multiple line components (Thomson Asilomar conference proceedings)
  • alph, confidence level for jackknife confidence intervals and Tsq tests.

The output struct you get will be determined by what outp is, namely one of

  • MTSpectrum struct which will contain the following fields (in

the following order):

  • frequency (f), as a LinRange
  • cross-spectrum (S), a vector giving half the spectrum up to the Nyquist if the input is real
  • phase,
  • chosen values of the multitaper time bandwidth product etc of type MTParameters (params) This makes its own parameter struct that contains NW, K, N, dt, M (padded

length), nsegments (number of segments of data to averae), overlap (if the sample was divided into overlapping chunks) and it gets carried around for future reference and for plotting purposes

  • eigencoefficients (coef, optional),
  • Ftest values (Fpval, optional),
  • jackknife output (jkvar, optional), and
  • Tsquared test results (Tsq_pval, optional).This struct was described

earlier, in this case the phase output field will be filled in.

  • MTCoherence coherence struct. Its fields are

  • frequency (f)

  • coh, a vector giving the squared coherence up to the Nyquist if the input is real

  • phase,

  • chosen values of the multitaper time bandwidth product etc of type MTParameters (params) This makes its own parameter struct that contains NW, K, N, dt, M (padded length), nsegments (number of segments of data to averae), overlap (if the sample was divided into overlapping chunks) and it gets carried around for future reference and for plotting purposes

  • eigencoefficients (coef, optional),

  • jackknife output (jkvar, optional), and

  • Tsquared test results (Tsq_pval, optional).

  • MTTransferFunction transfer function struct. Its fields are

  • frequency (f)

  • transf, a vector giving the transfer function up to the Nyquist if the input is real

  • phase,

  • chosen values of the multitaper time bandwidth product etc of type MTParameters (params) This makes its own parameter struct that contains NW, K, N, dt, M (padded

length), nsegments (number of segments of data to averae), overlap (if the sample was divided into overlapping chunks) and it gets carried around for future reference and for plotting purposes

  • eigencoefficients (coef, optional),
  • jackknife output (jkvar, optional), and
  • Tsquared test results (Tsq_pval, optional).

Now, you can also use the batch-version of this call:

function multispec(S1::Matrix{T}; outp=:coh, NW=4.0, K=6, dt=1.0, ctr=true,
                   pad=1.0, dpVec=nothing, guts=false, a_weight=true, jk=false,
                   Ftest=false, Tsq=nothing, alph=0.05) where{T}
  • S1 is now just a matrix with, say, p columns and N rows, meaning that there are p

input time series.

  • outp is the desired output of the computation which now can be :cross for

cross-spectrum, :coh for coherence and phase, or :justspecs for only the spectra.

  • NW, the choice of time-bandwidth product
  • K, the number of tapers to use
  • offset, the frequency offset, if desired (else 0.0)
  • dt, the temporal sampling frequency (in, say, seconds)
  • ctr, whether or not to remove the mean from the data series, default is true
  • pad, the padded length will be pad times the length of S1.
  • dpVec, you can choose to supply the dpss's or not (speeds things up if you're calling the function many times)
  • guts, whether you'd like the eigencoefficients as output. They will come in an eigencoefficient struct with the field coef, wts where coef contains the eigencoefficients and wts will contain the adaptive weights
  • jk, jackknifing to give a confidence interval for the spectrum
  • Tsq, T-squared test for multiple line components (Thomson Asilomar conference proceedings)
  • alph, confidence level for jackknife confidence intervals and Tsq tests.

The output of this command, depending on the desired output type, is one of three things:

  • outp = :justspecs is a vector of MTSpectrum structs containing the spectra alone.

  • outp = :coh is a tuple containing the spectra, a matrix filled with coherences on the super-diagonal (so if the result was called out, you'd access it by using

out[2][1,2] to get the coherence between the first and second series.), and finally the result of the T-squared test, if you asked for it.

  • outp = :cross is a tuple containing the spectra, a matrix filled with cross spectra on the super-diagonal, and finally the result of the T-squared test, if you

asked for it.

A note on plotting: if you are using Plots.jl there recipes to directly plot the output of the above multivariate calculations, especially the tuples, in a gridded plot format. See the second jupyter notebook for more details.

Missing-data coherences

Extending the missing-data spectrum estimation of (Chave, 2019) from the univariate case to the bivariate case, one can compute coherences using the function with signature


function mdmultispec(t::Union{Vector{Int64}, Vector{Float64}}, 
                bw::Float64 = 5/length(t),
                k::Int64    = Int64(2*bw*size(x,1) - 1),
                dt::Float64 = 1.0, jk::Bool = true,
                nz::Union{Int64,Float64}   = 0, 
                Ftest::Bool = false,
                               Array{Float64,2}},Nothing} = nothing)

The inputs are the following:

  • t – real vector of time
  • x – first missing-data time series
  • y – second missing-data time series
  • bw – bandwidth of estimate, 5/length(t) default
  • k – number of slepian tapers, must be <=2 bw length(x), 2 bw length(x)-1 default
  • dt – sampling in time
  • jk – whether or not to compute jackknife variance estimates
  • nz – zero padding factor, 0 default
  • Ftest – whether or not to compute the F-test p-value at all frequencies
  • lambdau – missing data Slepian tapers and their concentrations, if precomputed

The output is

  • sxxMTCoherence coherence estimate

Time domain statistics


This function computes multitaper estimates of the cross-covariance and cross-correlation by way of inverse-FFT of a multitaper spectrum estimate. Its signature is either

function mt_ccvf(S::MTSpectrum; typ::Symbol = :ccvf)


mt_ccvf(S1::Vector{T}, S2::Vector{T}; typ::Symbol = :ccvf, NW::Real = 4.0, K::Int = 6, 
                   dt::Float64=1.0, ctr::Bool = true, 
                   pad::Union{Int,Float64} = 1.0, 
                   dpVec::Union{Vector{Float64},Matrix{Float64},Nothing} = nothing,
                   guts::Bool = false, 
                   jk::Bool = false, 
                   alph::Float64 = 0.05) where T<:Number

In the first, we assume that you have the MTSpectrum struct handy (must be cross-spectra, coherences won't work), and in the second you give the two time series, similar to above. The typ kwarg can take values in (:ccvf and :ccf) with :ccvf being the default value. Depending on the value of typ, you will get one of two different structs

  • MTCrossCorrelationFunction: Contains lags, cross correlation function, and a MTParameters struct that carries around the relevant multitaper options.

  • MtCrossCovarianceFunction: Contains lags, cross covariance function, and a MTParameters struct.

when you plot one of the MTCrossCorrelationFunction or MtCrossCovarianceFunction structs using the recipe, you'll get a stem plot.