
For those using Plots.jl, we use RecipesBase.jl to quickly plot the output structs given by the base functions.

Quick synopsis of recipes

One can plot univariate structs

  • MTSpectrum structs, which are outputs of the multispec function. These are ordinary power spectrum estimates.

  • MTAutocorrelationFunction, Mtacvf structs, which are outputs of the mtacf and mtacvf function. These are autocorrelation or autocovariance estimates, respectively.

  • MTCepstrum structs, which are multitaper cepstra.

  • Demodulate structs, which contain complex demodulates.

And multivariate structs

  • MTCoherence structs, which are outputs of the multivariate multispec function. These are coherence estimates.

  • Outputs of coherence calculations are often given as Tuple{Array{MTSpectrum{C,T,P,1},Array{MTCoherence,2},Nothing}, and the corresponding recipe

will plot all of the spectra, coherences, and phases on a grid.

  • MtCrossCovarianceFunction and Mtccf structs, which are outputs of the mtccvf and mtccf

functions, respectively. These are plots of the multitaper cross-covariance function or cross-correlation function.

Univariate recipes

Plotting spectra

To plot a univariate spectrum estimate, use the recipe with signature

@recipe function plot(S::MTSpectrum; cross = true)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTSpectrum struct is the output of a call to multispec where only a single time series has been given, or two time series were given and the output desired is a cross-spectrum.

With the vanilla call to the plot recipe, one will get the power spectrum plotted on a logarithmic base 10 scale in the y-axis and appropriately labeled axes. If the jackknifed variance field (jkvar) in the MTSpectrum struct contains values, then 95 percent confidence intervals will be shown as shaded bands around the spectrum. If the phase field contains values, then the y-axis will say "Cross-Spectrum" instead of "Spectrum".

The optional keyword argument specifies

  • cross shows a small cross-shaped mark in the corner of the plot having width twice the bandwidth, and height equal to the expected jackknifed variance.

Plotting autocorrelations

To plot a multitaper estimate of autocorrelation, use the recipe with signature

@recipe function acfplt(A::MTAutocorrelationFunction)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTAutocorrelationFunction struct is the output of a call to mtacf with a single time series given.

The resulting plot will be a stem plot labeled as lags on the x-axis and autocorrelations on the y-axis.

Plotting autocovariances

To plot a multitaper estimate of autocovariance, use the recipe with signature

@recipe function acvfplt(A::MTAutocovarianceFunction)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTAutocovarianceFunction struct is the output of a call to mt_acvf with a single time series given.

The resulting plot will be a stem plot labeled as lags on the x-axis and autocovariances on the y-axis.

Cepstrum plot

To plot the cepstrum, use the recipe with signature

@recipe function cepsplt(A::MTCepstrum)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTCepstrum which is the output of a mt_ceps function call.

The resulting plot will show the cepstrum coefficient as a stem plot in terms of lags.

Demodulate plot

To plot the complex demodulate, use the recipe with signature

@recipe function demodplt(cdm::Demodulate)

The following arguments are necessary

  • cdm which is the output of a Demodulate function call.

The resulting plot will show the complex demoodulate in two stacked panels, one for the magnitude and one for the phase of the complex quantity.

Multivariate recipes

Coherence plotting

To plot a multitaper estimate of the coherence, use

@recipe function plot(C::MTCoherence; phase = false, sigMax = 0)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTCoherence which is the output of a multispec call with more than one time series as input and coherence as output.

The resulting plot shows the magnitude squared coherences on a scale from 0 to 1, if no jackknifing has been done. If jackknifing has been done, the magnitude squared coherence is shown on a transformed scale (inverse hyperbolic tangent) and 95 percent confidence intervals will be shown as a shaded band.

The following keyword arguments can be set

  • phase when set to true produces a second subplot below the first which shows the (unwrapped) values of the phase estimate.

  • sigMax is the number of significance lines to put on the plot. These lines are at (1.0 - 10^{1:sigMax}). For example, if one selects the default, namely sigMax = 4,

one obtains lines at 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999.

Comparing coherences

To plot multiple estimates of the coherence together on the same axes for comparison, use

@recipe function plot(C::Matrix{MTCoherence}; phase = false, jk = false, sigMax = 0)

The following arguments are necessary

  • MTCoherence is as above.

The following keyword arguments can be set

  • phase and sigMax are as above.

  • jk plots confidence intervals when set to true.

Coherences and spectra

To plot the coherences and spectra from, say, a call to multispec where there are two or more time series, one uses the recipe with the following signature:

@recipe function
                                sigMax = 0) where C where T where P

One obtains a plot with $p\times p$ panels (if $p$ is the number of time series) where spectra are shown in red on the diagonals, MSC are on the upper triagonal panels of the plot, and phases are on the lower triagonal panels of the plot.

The required input is

  • Spec which is of type Tuple{Array{MTSpectrum{C,T,P},1},Array{MTCoherence,2},Nothing}; which is the result one gets when one calls multispec on two or more time series.

The keywork argument

  • sigMax is as above.

!!! Note that at the time of this writing, it was impossible to not require Plots.jl as a dependency when using an advanced layoout, so some bonus plotting routines are in Multitaper.jl/src/PlotsRecipes/Coherence_Plot.jl. This code can be included on the fly for an even more advanced layout. The layout one gets has three axes, one is the transformed MSC, one is the MSC in units from 0 to 1, and the third axes is the significance if the true MSC were zero.

The main function in this piece of code has the following signature:

@recipe function f(h::MTCoherence; siglines = true, msclines = true, sigMax = 4, legtext = false, 
        force_ylims = nothing, mscaxis = true, sigaxis = true, jk = true)

The MTCoherence type input is explanatory (it is as above), but one has the additional keyword arguments as follows

  • siglines allows one to put a selected number of horizontal lines on the plot (specifically, sigMax number of lines are added) indicating the significance of a magnitude squared coherence value under the null

hypothesis that the two series have zero coherence at that frequency.

  • msclines allows one to put horizontal lines at various levels of the msc

  • sigMax is the number of significance lines to put on the plot. These lines are at (1.0 - 10^{1:sigMax}). For example, if one selects the default, namely sigMax = 4,

one obtains lines at 0.9, 0.99, 0.999, 0.9999.

  • legtext puts text in the legend.

  • force_ylims gives the y-limits for the transformed axis, if desired.

  • mscaxis when toggled to false will delete the MSC axis on the scale from 0 to 1.

  • sigaxis when toggled to false will delete the significance axis.

  • jk indicates whether jackknife confidence intervals will be drawn.

Cross-covariance and Cross-correlation plots

The following two recipe signatures:

@recipe function ccvfplot(A::MtCrossCovarianceFunction)


@recipe function ccfplot(A::MTCrossCorrelationFunction)

will show either the cross-covariance estimate (if the input is of type MtCrossCovarianceFunction) or the cross-correlation estimate (if the input is of type MTCrossCorrelationFunction) as a stem plot.